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News date | 26.05.2017 |
After the incredible show of Giro d'Italia in Val di Fiemme and Val di Fassa, the Marcialonga road event jumps on its pedals and prepares its show on those same courses. Next 4 June, in fact, the Marcialonga Cycling Craft will be celebrating its 11th birthday and will bring hundreds of cyclists on three alpine passes (Lavazé, San Pellegrino and Valles) plus the classic Monte San Pietro uphill that goes over 10% gradient. Once again Marcialonga riders are about to dive - better yet climb – into nature, surrounded by the amazing sceneries of the Italian Dolomites (UNESCO World Heritage Site).
The two 80k (1.894 meters elevation gain) and 135k (3.279 meters elevation gain) courses are both confirmed, the first one reads only one mountain pass, while the longer one includes the other two as well,
Several side events have been prepared by the local OC such as 'Fiemme Senz'Auto', literally Fiemme with No Cars as the main road from Cavalese to Predazzo will be traffic free and everyone is invited to enjoy the valley by bike or even on foot. Music and Djsets on Friday, the Minicycling race for kids plus readings and live music on Saturday, and the bike Expo on Sunday are the so called tip of the iceberg.
A new Marcialonga Cycling Craft event is about to entertain everybody.
For those who want to join the race, entries are open until 2 June (fee: € 40,00). Race start is on Sunday 4 June at 8am in Predazzo.
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