

Tips and Thoughts

Experts write about training, nutrition, health care and more

Marcialonga is an incredible ensemble of people united by the same passion: sport.
There are professional athletes, amateurs, funs. There are people of many age classes and many levels of preparation, but in the end they are all winners at the finish line, because the satisfaction is for sure the same for everyone.
Sport means commitment, testing oneself, often exceeding the personal limits in order to achieve the purpose.
The preparation of a race requires, in all cases, commitment and training and in order to give support and useful advices, especially for those who are not supported by trainers, we have created the column Tips and Thoughts.
Every week you find a short tip about training, nutrition, health care and more. You can also read the scientific paper of our experts. 


During your workout, do not forget to concentrate on the technical movement. The athletic preparation should be concentrated on the endurance element (aerobic capacity) and on the specific movement: the more a technical movement is specific and automatic, the less will be our energy expenditure, allowing a better performance (Andrea Zattoni, technician GS Fiamme Gialle)


The body produces heat during the muscular workout and the sweat is an automatic reaction to get it out and to avoid an increase of the body temperature. Sweating eliminates the body water and salts and causes, in the long run, dehydration and consequently a fall of the muscular performance and the possibility to have cramps. During your sport activity, take beverages and mineral salts suppliers. (Dr. Giorgio Martini)


PILATES is the best method to strengthen the CORE, the complex series of muscles, extending far beyond your abs. Practicing Pilates improves muscle flexibility and joint stability, offering a new level of strength and body control. And with a more flexible and stronger body, the risk of sporting injuries is vastly reduced (Denise Dellagiacoma, Pilates and Yoga Teacher).  


Motivation for an athlete depends from inside and outside sources. The interactive component is very important: a good group of friends increases the will to do sport and a good relationship with the mates, the trainer and the family, especially for young people, is fundamental to gain motivation.(Nicola Delladio, psychologist-psychotherapist).


In all endurance sports, the right mix of aerobic capacity and strenght training is important to get good results. The high intensity exercises cause muscle fatigue with a decrease in the muscolar system's ability to produce force. The introduction of strenght training in endurance disciplines seems to have a positive effect related to the sport performace. (Andrea Zattoni, GS Fiamme Gialle technician). 


The pre-race Nutrition for a marathon or a cycling Granfondo aims at increasing the muscolar and hepatic glycogen and the glucose. You should eat at least three hourse before the activity promoting the carbohydrates with a lower glycemic index. Just before the race you can take an energetic drink with maltodextrins that gives you energy sooner. (Caterina Russolo, Biologa-Nutrizionista).

We talk to the doctor Caterina Russolo 
We talk to Nicola Delladio 
We talk to Andrea Zattoni 
we talk to Denise Dellagiacoma 
We to talk Dr. Giorgio Martini 
We talk to Andrea Zattoni 
We talk to Enzo Macor