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Verba volant, scripta manent said the Latins. The words fly, the writings remain, and with them also the communicative media such as banners, bibs or plastic supports, that sometime become waste to deal with. Now there is an alternative way.
Reconvert for the love of the environment or for the economy, for fun or for necessity, to astonish or provoke. Whatever the motivation is, the art of recycling has now become a real necessity in which obsolete items, waste materials and processing residues are transformed into something different, getting a new life.
So comes the project that Marcialonga and Nordic Ski (CO of the Nordic World Ski Championships), in collaboration with REDO upcycling, a social cooperative in Trentino, have jointly promoted starting from the winter season 2018.
The idea came up from the desire to seek other ways, more sustainable and ethical, to handle some types of "waste", in coherence with the deeply green spirit of Fiemme and Fassa valleys and the passion for functional design that coexisted with the sporting spirit of both Organising Committees.
The result is a collection of casual bags made by using PVC banners that over the years have been posted during the events, partners and sponsors, and a collection of handbags made from starting numbers and materials that can no longer be used.
Something that should be disposed of, with associated costs, has been given the chance to turn to a virtuous mechanism where the creativity of young designers combined with the work of disadvantaged people brought to life products with a high social and a low environmental impact, demonstrating that one can think, create, produce, without necessarily having to draw on virgin resources. Anyone who decides to buy one of these handbags or another product of the recycling collection will own a unique piece, handmade with love, care, attention.
The bags and accessories will be aveilable during the Expo Marcialonga, previous the three events.
After the pre-sale you can buy the articles on the on-line shop.
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