News date | 18.09.2020 |
We have archived with success the 18th Marcialonga Running Coop, which forced us to review and reorganize many aspects of the event management.
Participants, volunteers, co-workers, institutions, sponsors and authorities showed us once more the meaning of and the affection for Marcialonga. They gave us the chance to realize an event with a different format but maintaining its essence, as the ingredients for a big event should always be the same.
On this basis, we start again working on next year’s events, with awareness and optimism, looking towards a brighter future.
An important anniversary, the first 50 years of the Marcialonga Organizing Committee.
It was February 7, 1971: the first edition of a race that is now part of history and that let many amateurs come closer to this skiing discipline. In order to honour this important accomplishment and to celebrate the memories of the past and the projects of the future, we are proud to present the COMMEMORATIVE LOGO.
With the 2021 campaign, developed by the creative studio Manuel Bottazzo Design, we would like to tell the passionate story of Marcialonga during its first 50 years of history. It is formed by a collection of images, which were quite hard to select, as it is very hard to resume many facts, people, happenings and anecdotes.
So, in the pictures you will see the founders of Marcialonga and all the people who contributed to its success. Presidents who followed in the years. General Secretaries who managed the events. Important people from a political, social, sportive point of view or from the show-business. Champions who participated and triumphed on the track. “Bisonti”. Men and women, young and old. “Soreghine”. Volunteers, the real engine of Marcialonga. Sponsors. Press conferences. Twinnings. Projects. The brand Marcialonga and its evolution. All the events organized by Marcialonga, even those who have been organized for some years only: Skirollonga, Minimarcialonga, Marcialonga Stars, Marcialonga Young, Marcialonga Story, Marcialonga Running, Marcialonga Cycling, Minicycling, Minirunning, Relay Marcialonga Coop. The territory where it takes place, the beautiful Val di Fiemme and Val di Fassa. Encounters, dinners, the meeting point with friends and supporters.
Telling a story through images is our intention, to involve all those who are watching and be part of what is a real fairy-tale, started with the dream of four friends…
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