



News date14.10.2020

The history of Marcialonga skiing is quite known as well as many curious facts about it. Some less famous facts are the ones about the cycling event Marcialonga Craft and the September run Marcialonga Coop. We collected some interesting facts about the two races, besides the winners.

Marcialonga Craft

You can choose if you wish to participate as an amateur or randonneur: in the second case, there will be no ranking and you can only take part to the 80km track. 
In 2020 the event took place in virtual format, where even some champions from other disciplines took part: the Moto GP Champion Marco Melandri, the “pro” athleteAndrea Pasqualon and skier Manfred Mölgg, who already took part in the real event in 2018 and 2019. 

Since the first edition, the race-track has been changing three times: the original track would cross the Monte San Pietro climb and the Lavazè Pass, before heading towards the S. Pellegrino and Valles Passes. In 2013, due to some street works, the track moved to the Passes Pramadiccio, S. Pellegrino and Carezza. Om 2018 a last change was made choosing a steepest but more panoramic route (see the track >

In 2009 a "glacial" race happened, where riders found snow on the S. Pellegrino and Valles Passes and the race had to be interrrupted for safety reasons. 

Even Jørgen Aukland took part to the cycling race, in 2011 and 2012, and this was his comment “My arms strength did not help much, Italians might not be strong on skis, but they are real rockets on their bikes" 

In 2012 the race took place only on the shorter track since an avalange short before the race interrupted the street. It is due to the street-works to repair the route that the race changed the course in 2013. 

In 2013, a strong snowfall during the race days forced the organising Committee to move it to July, where the riders luckily found a beautiful sunny day. 

Marcialonga Craft awards participants with special prizes, dedicated to the best and most lucky climbers that have been using Strava during their race and register as a team. 


Marcialonga Coop

Marcialonga Coop can also be run in a realy, with a 3-runners-team. Runners can participate to the relay starting from 16 years and so participate in a charity event, as part of the entry fee is destined to benefic projects (have a look at the relay race>

As Marcialonga skiing has its senators who completed all the editions, so does Marcialonga Coop. 23 runners have been completing the 18 editions so far: Betta Mauro, Brugnoli Lanfranco, Caldonazzi Riccardo, Comini Franco, Comini Luciano, Corradini Eleonora, Corradini Renzo, Dallio Graziano, Delladio Renato, Delvai Sigifrido, Divan Anna, Fontanive Riccardo, Gabrielli Roberto, Grasso Silvestro Claudio, Leonardi Massimo, Marchetti Massimo, Paoli Valter, Recla Pierluigi, Roli Pierluigi, Vanzetta Gianni, Vanzo Flavio, Vuerich Alessandro, Zorzi Fulvio.

The Running event marks the end of the Marcialonga sport year and right after the event the ranking of the Team Combined by Craft is made and the new members of the Marcialonga superstar Club are set. (Have a look at the combined event >)

The Running route has also been changed in the years. In the first 5 editions the start was at the Moena sport field, as it was in 2020, whereas in the other editions participants would start from the Moena main square. Even the finish line changed: until 2014 the race would finish in Viale Mendini as the Ski race, but from 2015 on, the finish line is set in the main road, Viale Bronzetti, guarantee for big support and success. In 2020, in order to respect public restrictions and avoid the crowd, the run ended next to the Park La Pieve, right after the tunnel of the ancient train that was enlightened with special effects and filled up with music. 

From 2005 to 2012 the run has been valid for the world championship for doctors and dentists. 

Marcialonga Coop launched in 2019 the “Coop-pia” contest, adding up the times of the two runners and awarding the fastest couple and two more couples picked up among the participants. 

During the prize-giving ceremony, the runners can participate to a special raffle and receive products and services sponsored by the shops of Cavalese. 

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