News date | 05.06.2023 |
Starting from today, 5th of June 2023, entries for the 51st Marcialonga are officially open! Choose the distance and prepare to be part of a memorable adventure.
*in case your password in the EB system does not work, send an email >
About the seeding
If you raced Marcialonga in the last 2 years, the starting number will be given according to your best percentage. Percentage is the ratio between your placing in 2022-2023 and the number of competitors in the same year: RANK x 100 ÷ STARTERS (point 5 of the race rules > )
When first time entry or in case of older results in Marcialonga, also Worldloppet and Ski Classics races 2022-2023 could be considered if communicated on the entry-form. In this case, the seeding is based on a different criterion > see the SEEDING TABLE.
SIGN UP BEFORE JUNE 9th AND WIN AN ERCOLINA, the machine used by champions for the athletic training, the best sports tool for developing muscles and aerobic capacity in the upper body.
On Tuesday 13 of June there will be a draw for the lucky winner.
For the first time - in Bodø, in 2024 - the Marcialonga Arctic Race will be held!
The ski festival runs over four days, and in addition to the race, there are also free events for children and young people. The focus is public health.
We have the pleasure of being part of this, and we support the project and this new friendship.
It's exciting, it's innovative, it's tough! We look forward!
Bodø is European Capital of Culture in 2024 and will host the first edition of the Marcialonga Arctic Ski Race on March 7-11. This will be the start of annual editions of the race in northern Norway.
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