News date | 19.11.2020 |
In this memorable histoic period, we are realizing more than ever the importance of many things, that we had taken for granted before covid.
The pandemic woke up the interest of many people for sport, practiced at home or in the open air. Many took advantage of thetime to train on bike trainers, biking in front of apposite apps or following the beat of their favorite songs. Many started to go for walks or runs, sometimes on their own, discovering the amazing sensations of wellbeing when doing sport in the fresh air.
What was missing, at least physically, was sharing the experience with a group. We are atalking about sport clubs, the real lymph of sport and true life schools for adults and young athletes. Sport clubs, or sport unions or also sport associations, enable the sport practice at each level, but above all, they bring people together sharing experiences and supporting everyone on a sport, technical and psychological level.
Adults managed to partly compensate the lack of presence sharing their activities on social media, with online trainings and several challenges. Who suffered the most from the distance and the lack of contact and sharing the experience were kids who practiced sport with a sport club.
We understand how important are sport gatherings and how it has a social role, that until now we took for granted. In fact, it gives to young athletes the chance to practice sport, which impacts positively their physical health but also Has a human and educative function playing a key role in the kids and young wealth. Sport clubs represent a sort of second family where you can find support, comprehension, friendship.
Besides this, clubss represent the sould of volunteering, especially in Val di Fiemme and Val di Fassa, as they manage to involve many people of all ages, cooperatign for the success of several sport events.
We wish that this period will not alleviate the enthusiasm of the many sport clubs and that these will be able to contunue doing what they did before, covering their essential role within society, for adults and kids.
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